Drama Studio London

Drama Studio London (DSL) is a drama school based in Ealing, London, England, United Kingdom. It is accredited by the National Council for Drama Training, London and is a Member of the Conference of Drama Schools. It is one of only twenty-one specialist performing arts schools approved to offer Government funded Dance and Drama Awards, a scheme established to subsidise the cost of professional dance and drama training for the most talented students, at leading institutions.

The school was founded in 1966, out of the need for a new, more realistic approach to actor training that took account of the professional requirements and demands of the theatre for which the students were being prepared.

The school is renowned for its flexibility of approach, its sensitivity to the needs of the students on an individual level, and its non-doctrinaire attitude to acting, allowing for wide scope in the ultimate employment prospects for the actors under our charge. The school theatre is called The Grange Court Theatre. In 1995, Friends of DSL, under the Presidency of Dame Judi Dench, was established in order to help provide scholarships for future students.

The current principal is the actor and director, Peter Craze.

Notable alumni

External links